Tag Archives: life

I got published!

I’m so excited today. Someone from Peguin got in touch with me to publish a novel I wrote. It looks like they will make a limited run and see how well it does. I don’t have an agent or anything either, so I’m stoked that it has gotten attention.

The novel is almost a love story, but it has nothing to do with love. It’s a twisted tale of a woman who sees the drastic flux in New York City from when she was young to now. I’m not at liberty to tell you the title, but I will keep you posted about any important events.

Having Sex May Reduce Spread of AIDS

Making whoopie may reduce the spread of help or support, also known as aids. Ahh, the great gift of sex. I think it is a great gift, but it comes with responsibility even within marriage. It is the sole method of raising a family (besides artificial insemination and adoption).

A reason to have sex is to bear children. Many do it for pleasure even if they don’t want children. Children are a result of sexual intercourse, yet many completely block that notion out when they indulge in casual sex. Does that mean everyone has a lack of control if they have a sexual addiction to a married or unmarried partner when they don’t want a family? Unwanted pregnancies would be reduced to 0 and abortion would not be an issue if everyone held their composure. Most people are wired to have sexual urges, but that doesn’t mean we should act on every instance.

Argument: Casual sex is healthy. There would be more unhappiness and other negative conditions if sexual activity was not practiced.

There may be frustration and possible effects of limiting casual sex, but it wouldn’t be worse than what conditions we have already. It’s not like you’ll get an STD or have a little tyke out of wedlock by abstaining from intercourse. The only negative side effects you might get are sexual frustration or misconduct, but many people do this even when they have engaged in casual sex. Just look at how unhappy and negative the world is because of casual sex: disrupted families, abortion, disease (with millions of deaths), divorce, and the list could go on. All that- and what’s the only benefit? Instant sexual gratification.

Often in the religious arena you’ll hear, “If God wants you to have children you will have children.” This is true in the sense that many forms of birth control are not 100 percent safe in preventing pregnancy. However, there is one fatal flaw with that saying: if God wants you to have a child but you have not had intercourse, then a living being has to be implanted in you just like Mary, the earthly mother of Jesus. I highly doubt God has this plan for others though. If you rely solely on that rationale and exclude divine conception, then God apparently wants people to have sex (even if they aren’t married), because He “wants you to have children.” That is not logical reasoning. You can’t blame your actions or results on God. While the argument does give insight on the failure of birth control, it does not excuse anyone from making their own moral decisions. Bad behavior cannot be justified by attributing it to God’s will. We are in control of what we do. Our acts are not a result of God’s will. God’s will is the result of our ends.

Where is the line between just rushing into marriage to have intercourse and legitimately wanting to start a family? Can sex be abused among a couple within marriage (abused among each other, excluding extramarital cheating)?

Argument: Don’t have sex unless you want to have children.

This is by far the safest solution. It also restricts sex within marriage (like when a college couple are living together and married but have no interest in raising a child because they are not mature enough or have limited finances or need to finish school).

I don’t see how marriage legitimizes having sex for pleasure. Is it an illness that dominates life? Or it is something that becomes extracted from reality. You can easily lust after your husband or wife. You can easily love a friend. People fail to think about what they are thinking. There is no differentiation between the act of sex among a spouse and sex with someone who doesn’t share a marriage certificate with you. The actual issue is the desired function or outcome of the activity and whether or not it’s a noble goal.

Pop my Pomegranate (Pt. 2)

Is having sex an accomplishment? Evolution. Survival of the sexiest… Overpopulation- Proof of oversexualization of society. Group sex, single sex, mutual sex. If sex was painful would we be extinct? FUCK! Literally. Sour cherries will no longer grow with virtual gratification. End suffering by having intercourse. Piss on yourself. This is no R. Kelly joke.

Paradise engineering will not make you happy. Life will not make you happy. Nothing makes you happy. And the most important things are nothing we get involved in. People are still buying and selling Viagra, buying and selling, buying and selling. The next stage is Libido Transplant surgery. There is nothing wrong with sex in itself though. It’s some people’s bottle of booze. I blame it on a subconscious erotic capital that goes undetected, yet is sold at inflated prices to undiscovered hedonists. Not all is bad though. If you think about it, if everyone is constantly humping their brains out, per capita crime rate drops to 0%.

And jobs… If you can look like a modest slut, you are hired. Straddle the line between revealing and reserved.

Nudist neighborhoods… Are they focused on getting laid or do they realize the natural condition of human body for what it is? I could almost picture them being more conservative, but that’s only a personal mirage I have. I’m only naked in the shower and in my dreams.

Preprogrammed Lust and Teenaged lussed

It’s hard to rid the desires of intimacy without engaging them. Some choose to do things they regret, others suffer, others have no problems- Yah right. Is lust a condition of humankind or is it just as fervent in the animal kingdom? Are we more likely to defy the institution of marriage because of its very existence. I haven’t done any studies, but I can’t really do anything but ponder it all. What wires people so strongly to jab a rod into someone’s canal? or stimulate a cavity. That’s all it is. Lots of pleasure reception in a localized area. Beings- do they have a pleasure addiction? Does Asceticism solve any problems or make people go crazier? I don’t have any answers. Telling you questions; Asking me lies. Obsession. Lack of control or just wanting to eat an entire box of chocolates? You never know what you’re gunna get, maybe a case of diarrhea’s evil cousin, gonorrhea. Don’t forget Siffy and her friends having lunch. No need to worry, it’ll never happen to you with an invincible sheet of rubber. The world is not going to end if you have children at age 14. There is risk in everything, even eating food you might get food poisoning (Digestively Transmitted Discomfort).

Maybe I’ll try to accumulate more thoughts that could manifest in a later write-up here.

not so androgynous

I suppose there is no such gender term or movement that is an antonym to feminism. There are people accused of male chauvinism, but there is no organization known as menism, malists, and the like. There should be. Although I do believe there is some injustice leftover lingering on women, men have problems of their own. I’m not the one to say what they are, but there are certain differences expected of them. I think more is demanded of us socially, but males have separate issues to deal with. Not as a generalization, but pride and anger are probably more common problems that occur with them. Not many ladies are in jail for crimes that would stem from the preceding reasons I gave.

The world isn’t perfect and it’s easy to disregard everyone. I’ll forgive even if you don’t. Wouldn’t it be nice if I had more of these

Running on Full

Running after eating a full meal is not such a good idea. It’s like getting in a fist fight underwater holding your breath and kicking for air. Humans are not cars. They do not go faster when there is an increased source of energy.

It probably doesn’t help that I have been a huge slacker and not exercising. Take it easy. I need to follow my advice. All of it. I’m having a midbrain crisis.

Blow up into the atmosphere where a change goes unnoticed. Erase myself from invisible sheers. Explosives are held at arm’s length, but they won’t escape my person until I realize they were created by me.

eternal reccurrence in the blind spot

How does that quote from Fight Club go? Someone loved this dress very much and then discarded it like a christmas tree, like a condom someone loved it- very passionately- and then discarded it. Vicious cycle? Recycle? Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors? Stagnating in alliteration. Children hunted in the shadow of monamine oxidase. Diffuse past the synapse never to fill a receptor. Metabolized. We seek ananda!

One-time pad, message received, agents destroy pad, all language operates in a similar fashion to a code.

Lies: I won’t get drunk again

I promised myself that I wouldn’t get drunk and like always I fail myself. I told my half-boyfriend (it’s a long story) that after the first time I got wasted that I wouldn’t do it again. He cares for me, but I seriously need a break to think things out and straighten other things out. It’s sucks being sick. I am sick. I disgust myself because I drank to high heaven again. Luckily, I remembered everything and I’m not the type to hang over guys or do anything stupid. I rarely go to parties, but when I do I feel I need to get away from life for a little while. Forgive Me! (directed toward myself).

I feel angry. At my own stupidity.

the origin of Home Run

Take me out to the ball game. I know the reason why the home run was invented, or at least why it’s called that. It all started in 1836 with a group of rambunctious folks in New England where the game using a ball and stick was growing and becoming known as baseball. In the condensed part of town, the had to find the most open area to play. These knickerbockers were out one day as usual, but there was a new player that came into town. He was the burly type you’d think could survive ten Great Depressions. In response to his powerful physique, the pitcher tossed him a swift throw. Legend has it that he was using a rusty pipe that cracked as he pounded the ball through a window of the mayor’s house. Well, he was forced to run, and run fast home. Most of the players spoke broken english, so they said “Home Run!” as they all scattered back to their houses. Nobody wanted to be responsible for that broken window.

Sleep with me

I think we’re a sleep-deprived world. People don’t seem to value their sleep – they seem to view it as time wasted. But sleep is vitally important to a happy, productive life. We’d literally perish if we never slept. Sleep does wonders. Sleep has no worries. In a nightmare, you know that it’s all in your head when you wake up. It’s a place of comfort for me when I feel like my day is wasted. Waking up is like a renewal. A cleansing. You can be dirty as porn star and feel a sense of being cleansed. ‘Cause everybody knows she’s a femme fatale