Tag Archives: diseases

willingly subjecting myself to genital herpes

The title of the post is the exact statement of a friend of mine. Once a virgin, twice a herpes magnet. I’m pretty (and very) conservative. I am a late bloomer, never doing anything dirty in high school.

Paraphrasing what my anonymous friend says:

Being sexually active involves willingly subjecting myself to genital herpes. I had no idea whether they were disease-free unless I had hard evidence. I had to trust that they were tested or inactive. I didn’t have anything to worry about myself. I’d say it ain’t worth it though. Sex isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, even with a whip. It’s fun for the 10 minutes it lasts. All my girlfriends faking almost all their orgasms proves my point.

Some people just enjoy diseases. Look at all the people ready and raring to plop man flesh in their mouth, or to slip into a hole full of s*#t. It’s very possible that these adventurous souls want to experience first-hand what it’s like. They are like scientists donating their bodies to science before their demise. I gotta give them credit. That’s a sacrifice to breakout in rash or any other atrocity for the good of all mankind… so determined.

The Flaming Lips never would have thought that I could link that song with venereal disease. Boo YAH!111!!! (ONES added for internet emphasis)

Confusion: Diseases on sweating of fish

The problem of language is that you don’t know what I’m about to talk about…

diseases on sweating of fish

1. Fish who have sweating diseases.
2. Diseases carried by the sweat of fish.
3. The rare class of diseases in which mammals actually sweat fish out of the pores of the skin.

Number 1, All fish have sweating diseases. They can’t sweat.

Number 2, There are no such diseases, until they day we discover a sweaty fish. I take Omega 3 fish oils but that is not sweat, although mercury content is a health concern.

Number 3, Thoroughly undocumented is the account of marine life in parts of Indonesia. Two fishermen there and a few consumers of seafood who eat varieties of fish have had cases of sweating minuscule fish out of the skin. Although rather tiny fish emerge from the skin, they do not pass through the skin well and irritate the skin and appear as lacerations after exiting. Often the fish are not noticeable until they escape the pores, so there is no easy way detect it. Additionally, after exiting the skin they may fall off as easy as dead skin cells and never be seen. The causes are sometimes eating pregnant fish who produce dwarf offspring. They thrive in warm salty water, and sweat is a good equivalent. Other cases have been reported of eating fish above the chain from the previous stated fish. The feed on these small fish and they remain alive in the fish for several days and can withstand high temperatures (light cooking).

There have only been a few documented cases in the region.