Tag Archives: psychotic

The Normalcy of Psychosis

Who doesn’t have impaired contact with reality? If you said that you didn’t, then you prove my point. To stay on quasi-neutral footing though, there is nothing to say that I am equally as wrong (which seems to show I have some loss of reality). Most things in life are mandated by mankind. There are certain conditions that our biological makeup allow, but the rest of our mental state comes from an expectation of others and/or the perception of the person performing act or non-act.

A healthy mind capable of consciousness shares the same attributes as someone described as psychotic. They both have no credible (objective) means to confirm reality other than their experience; it can’t be transcended and even if it can then the transcendence needs to be objectively confirmed. Does probability prove that if 1 person sees a dollar bill on a desk and others don’t see the dollar bill, that the one individual is out of touch? What if evidence is withheld or another factor alters the view of the 99?

There are three possibilities of alleged people with psychosis and their comprehension of the attribute:

      People who think they are normal, but are diagnosed with psychosis
      People who think they are psychotic, and are diagnosed with psychosis
      People who don’t know or are incapable of rationalizing, and are diagnosed with psychosis

It is put up to an experienced, professional psychologist/psychiatrist whether a person has psychosis or not. I might be getting a little far-fetched, but as a wild thought: what if the psychologist had psychosis? Or the curriculum of abnormal psychology was itself grounded in a psychotic delusion?

Just some thoughts
I think it would be difficult, but if we are to uphold the credibility of scientific conduct, it seems proper to classify things in terms of actual observations than to abstract things further from scientific proof. It might be better to say that Person A is in the minority position, 1-to-99 that a dollar bill rests on the desk. From this, it is induced that he is hallucinating.

What is considered to be an acceptable grasp of reality? Children often are less inclined than adults about many things. That doesn’t mean they are insane. Even normal people sometimes space out or enter irrational states of mind. Complete knowledge is the only reality that doesn’t step into psychosis. Is the use of reality just acceptance and sensational confirmation of popular perception and beliefs?

Stuck Inside

I stayed curled up in a ball today. Internally I feel like nothing is resolving. Externally I have nothing to do. I’ve lost my appetite and I can’t think straight. I always try to think of what’s wrong with me. I’m not a hypochondriac but I know there is something short circuiting. (Normality doesn’t exist and that’s not what I’m striving for) I just want to be content. I can handle the unexpected. First I think I’m bipolar or something, then I think I am schizophrenic or psychotic to a mild degree. I want to have Alzheimer’s disease; maybe not. I’m already screwed up it seems to me. I’ve never done any drugs, but I don’t need drugs to make myself feel out of touch. My ex-boyfriend called today and tried to blame me for his cheating on me. This was a few months ago and I can’t stand that he brings it up because I wouldn’t “put out”. I’ve let go of it, but the fact that I persevere in thinking it only compounds the stress. Everything is unstable and I feel like letting the turmoil spill to the ground.