
This is my personal online diary/journal website. I’m a 20 yr. old woman living in Tucson. I’m fairly mature for my age, but I also have some advantages and defects that keep me in line (more about that as I add entries). I don’t fit it with most crowds. I roll with my own set of wheels, while still being involved in daily living. I’m not perfect and don’t expect others to be. I’m sometimes angry, always confused, and never happy being sad.

I never thought I’d ever expose myself online (not sexually 🙂 ). This is my attempt to let loose and share with others the struggles, wonders, and joys of life. It’s about time we get in touch with people on deeper levels. I don’t expect sympathy or praise, just that you take a minute and step into a new pair of shoes every now and then. And please let me see how your sneakers fit. I’d love to get feedback and be able to give it back.

Much love,

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Diana

    I am older but still milk, do not wish to be slaughtered, am milk harness broke and have been bred by many different 4 legged males, to keep me in milk, 2 legged also…

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