Tag Archives: opinions

Sexual Womyn are Carnivorous

You think men are the hunters, heh? Well did you ever realize that sexually active women are devouring sausage via their penis fly traps? The real meat eaters have been the phemail race, not as gatherers as evolution/anthropology/culture studies suggest. Reverting to venus fly traps… They live on meat. Does PETA wish for the extinction of such plants? I hope not. It just shows that eating animals is a common occurrence that is found naturally. Chowing down on chicken is an organic endeavor. If you can’t stand the killing, then don’t eat it. Steakhouses should have a slaughterhouse upstairs that is audible from the dining area. If you feel queasy hearing your meal screaming, then you should order something else. If you don’t mind eating an animal if it is put to death humanely, then please order the ribeye. Think of it as recycling. Instead of burying the bovines, it gets used as food for the hungry.

Meat is a woman’s best friend.

Going back to a topic I’ve already put some thought into, rawhide is a man’s best friend in the blistering sun. A new study came out recently that proves that animals have been eating other animals to survive. This 7 year finding observed animals from all continents to see if they would eat or starve. In almost all cases the animals consumed other animals and bugs even if they were given leafy desserts afterwards. Some stubborn animals refused to eat cooked meals, but the scientists managed to force feed lab rats to unsuspecting animals while sleeping or procreating. Beyond the studies, it has been found that plant-eaters, or derogatively known as herbivores, have a higher occurrence of constipation due to high fiber in the stools. They are the end of the food chain as they will be devoured by predators.

Us hippies prefer to save the earth and keep Mother Nature free from crop destroying plant killers. Think of all the oxygen we could gain and all the CO2 that would be swallowed by uneaten trees and shrubbery!?! We’d be one leap closer to a greener utopia where mother and child could suck the last morsel of meat off a rack of ribs. HERBal teas? Nah… We prefer Carnal Tea.

Protein is important for health and growth. And the protein that comes from an animal is guaranteed to be more kinetic due to the warmblooded-ness of many of your favorite foods. This extra energy emits a stronger action potential that has been correlated with fulfilling longevity. A little-known fact is that some vegetables and non-metazoan foods contain harmful Acrylamide, or Contratein (against protein) which can be found in potato chips, french fries, baked wheat products, and possibly fried greens and veggies. Acrylamide eats away protein antibodies that may lead to a higher incidence of pathogen-carriers such organic cancer (colloquially known as herbal organ intoxication) and carnophobia.

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Please think the next time you order something from a fast food joint. Get that Big Mac without lettuce. Avoid raw leafy substances. Remember when they recalled spinach? They recalled it for a reason. It’s disgusting (without being covered in meat broth). Bugs and stupid small-brained animals resort to eating, sleeping on, and defecating on plants for leisure. Stay as far away as you can from plants and your mouth. Every plant has its germ. The chlorophyll and plant structure is designed to survive and one of its tactics is human sickness. It is nearly impossible to remove every bacteria and fungus from a plant. It requires temperatures hot enough to cremate the plant before microorganisms are totally abolished. After it has been sanitized, it no longer contains nutrients and the ashes have a bad aftertaste. Believe me, I’ve tried to mask the taste with cod liver oil and butter with no luck. Just say no to saying yes to plant food. You are not a hamster. You are a sausage king. Just don’t get too carried away and enter a hot dog competition.

detrimental health equivalance

second hand smoke
sugar substitutes / artificial sweeteners
butter vs. margarine

Use of these products may be hazardous to your health.

These could all be bad for you, your health, your body, your life. Did I forget the harder stuff? Meth isn’t so great. Everything kills you slowly. Diet soda isn’t better than regular soda. You may have an excuse if your diabetic, maybe.

Aspartame doesn’t seem to have a good track record. Saccharin, while not crazy dangerous, used to have a cancer warning. It has been studied more closely and such a problem was not concluded by peer review.

Sweet'n Cancer

The thing to ponder today is why there is concern. Most studies are inconclusive about long term damages. This shouldn’t make you automatically conclude they will make you drop dead. On the other token, you shouldn’t classify anything as safe just because the FDA or a bunch of Ph. D’s give an OK. Everything is relative. Moderation is key, but sometimes a few drops or a sprinkle is the spark for a fire. Everyone has a vice and I am sick of seeing hostility for a drunkard when the accuser is a coffee junkie. Or a chain smoker who speaks ill of “Made from sugar, so it tastes like sugar” products. Or a drug lord who complains of second hand smoke. You don’t eat 6000 calories in one sitting like your obese neighbor; instead you sit in your chair watching 18 straight hours of television nagging your mother to find batteries for the remote. Huffing spray paint isn’t your game either. You prefer to fight people in and out of the ring.

Their dislike may be justified, but they fail to realize what they do could be just as deserving of flak. GRRR. Do we need any more reminders that we are imperfect? Make yourself feel better by telling yourself that you are in the better position. You don’t do illegal drugs; you just take Adderall for a disease you think you have. I call it Self-fulfilling ADD Pseudoprophecy. Time to increase the dose- you’re not feeling sedated enough.

Confusion: Diseases on sweating of fish

The problem of language is that you don’t know what I’m about to talk about…

diseases on sweating of fish

1. Fish who have sweating diseases.
2. Diseases carried by the sweat of fish.
3. The rare class of diseases in which mammals actually sweat fish out of the pores of the skin.

Number 1, All fish have sweating diseases. They can’t sweat.

Number 2, There are no such diseases, until they day we discover a sweaty fish. I take Omega 3 fish oils but that is not sweat, although mercury content is a health concern.

Number 3, Thoroughly undocumented is the account of marine life in parts of Indonesia. Two fishermen there and a few consumers of seafood who eat varieties of fish have had cases of sweating minuscule fish out of the skin. Although rather tiny fish emerge from the skin, they do not pass through the skin well and irritate the skin and appear as lacerations after exiting. Often the fish are not noticeable until they escape the pores, so there is no easy way detect it. Additionally, after exiting the skin they may fall off as easy as dead skin cells and never be seen. The causes are sometimes eating pregnant fish who produce dwarf offspring. They thrive in warm salty water, and sweat is a good equivalent. Other cases have been reported of eating fish above the chain from the previous stated fish. The feed on these small fish and they remain alive in the fish for several days and can withstand high temperatures (light cooking).

There have only been a few documented cases in the region.

recipe for bored slut

things probably aren’t interesting enough when you sell your body and you feel like an inanimate toy being used by a john just as dirty as yourself. Prostitution is not a crime-

in France. It is under fire but nothing like the United States and illegal sex work. Whether it’s legal or not will not change that if you engage your privates incessantly that you’ll get bored and desensitized. All those nerve endings will diminish the pleasure from over usage. You have to be an expert chef to make the same dish taste good with the same ingredients 10 meals a day over and over. Even then there’s a threshold. It’s all economics from there. Value goes down after the demand has been provided. The supply is one. Eat a donut and you’d pay an arbitrary price. After eating 5 donuts, you probably won’t want to pay as much. Sooner or later you won’t want to pay for the 12th ring of sugared pastry.

If you are a bored slut, try a new recipe:

– 2 days of Ragdoll blues
– Sewer scented security
– 3 day old newspaper
– one loch of hair

Make believe you are a woodpecker carving your initials in the dam of a beaver’s house. Realize you have wings to fly away, but that you have made a cage of wooden tears. Your tree pays you in leaves and you see the leaves as independence, so you don’t leave the cage. Wrap your loch of hair in the newspaper and proceed to ignite the rolled newspaper. Inhale the musty smoke and saran rap the sewers as a preventative measure against rulers and contracts. Better yet and worse later- learn how to saran rap at your local MC showdown. Live life as if it you had to yield crops from your field.

Miracle Weight Loss with Acupuncture

Staple your ear and lose those pounds. Do not try this at home. A professional ear stapler has the certification from Staples to help you shed those buckets of fat. These staples aren’t found in the stationary section. They’ve been sanitized and may be a little bit thinner than industrial staples. Obesity is solved forever with the curb your appetite sudo-science. The reasoning behind this is the acupuncture points are associated with different parts of the body. In your ear resides the associated area for weight control and metabolism via the thyroid. While they claim it is safe and may feel similar to a piercing, it may make your jaw hurt. The pain will make you not want to eat anything. Also be weary of infection. The staple is placed above the ear canal in the direction of your brain. The side effects may be damaged hearing or brain damage if the procedure fails.

‘Tis nice to know that someone out there approves of activities that would be otherwise asinine. Watch an ameteur trying “ear stapling” for unknown reasons. Maybe he’s trying to get in shape the easy way.

More video in the first link, but it’s got more of an infomercial mood to it. And yes, this is real. No gimmicks [the efficacy and claims of the diet restriction regimen are certainly unproven though].

safe alternative smoke free cigarette

Safer cigs- they don’t exist. No risk, no mouth, no smokes. It’s all nicotine and tar from here. Read up on the marketing mumbo jumbo of safer cigarettes and its history. Pretty interesante if I might say. Anything that is smoke that goes to your lungs isn’t supposed to be there and probably has a risk of being bad for you. If the earth wanted us to breathe smoke, she’d set us all on fire. Quitting is the best way to erase your chances of smoking-caused cancer. You could try all day to get less cancer, but all is gambling when poking around in casinos. Try a smokeless* carbon cigarette anyway.

Not all cancer is caused by smoke (or even second hand). Carcinogens are created when you barbecue your steak (the char), at your campfire (burning wood), and almost everywhere even when a fire is not present. Eliminating risk of cancer can be achieved by ceasing to be; not my suggested option.

The Normalcy of Psychosis

Who doesn’t have impaired contact with reality? If you said that you didn’t, then you prove my point. To stay on quasi-neutral footing though, there is nothing to say that I am equally as wrong (which seems to show I have some loss of reality). Most things in life are mandated by mankind. There are certain conditions that our biological makeup allow, but the rest of our mental state comes from an expectation of others and/or the perception of the person performing act or non-act.

A healthy mind capable of consciousness shares the same attributes as someone described as psychotic. They both have no credible (objective) means to confirm reality other than their experience; it can’t be transcended and even if it can then the transcendence needs to be objectively confirmed. Does probability prove that if 1 person sees a dollar bill on a desk and others don’t see the dollar bill, that the one individual is out of touch? What if evidence is withheld or another factor alters the view of the 99?

There are three possibilities of alleged people with psychosis and their comprehension of the attribute:

      People who think they are normal, but are diagnosed with psychosis
      People who think they are psychotic, and are diagnosed with psychosis
      People who don’t know or are incapable of rationalizing, and are diagnosed with psychosis

It is put up to an experienced, professional psychologist/psychiatrist whether a person has psychosis or not. I might be getting a little far-fetched, but as a wild thought: what if the psychologist had psychosis? Or the curriculum of abnormal psychology was itself grounded in a psychotic delusion?

Just some thoughts
I think it would be difficult, but if we are to uphold the credibility of scientific conduct, it seems proper to classify things in terms of actual observations than to abstract things further from scientific proof. It might be better to say that Person A is in the minority position, 1-to-99 that a dollar bill rests on the desk. From this, it is induced that he is hallucinating.

What is considered to be an acceptable grasp of reality? Children often are less inclined than adults about many things. That doesn’t mean they are insane. Even normal people sometimes space out or enter irrational states of mind. Complete knowledge is the only reality that doesn’t step into psychosis. Is the use of reality just acceptance and sensational confirmation of popular perception and beliefs?

Why I like The Naked Guy

First off, I’m not nudist. I wear clothes in the shower. I dream about clothed people. I am usually a bit uneasy in a bikini (from all the stares my gorgeous body gets). But I give credit to Andrew Martinez who spent plenty of time nude, not as defiance against morality or a quick way to sexual liberation. He just thought of it almost from a sociological standpoint, that clothing as symbolism and requirement of life is an absurdity.

Clothes are useless in the environment except as a tool for class and gender differentiation.

I’ll mention that he might have been mentally ill, but he was a logical in an interview I read.

And now that I think about it, I believe the first Greek Olympic Games were done in the nude. The ancient art world is full of nude art that is still popular today. There is no difference. The hypopracy!